21 Day Fast Day 21
on January 26th, 2025
Welcome to the final day of our 21 Day Fast! I hope its been good and meaningful to you. I believe God is pleased with us. I say that because he delights in his children. God graced us with the ability to reach out to him by giving us a measure of FAITH. Faith is the noun and believing is the verb form of the same Greek word. If you believe, it means that you have faith. If you have faith, it mean...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 20
on January 25th, 2025
Today is the Sabbath to the Jewish community around the world. God instituted it as a day of rest because he rested on the 7th day. Rest is so important for us physically and mentally. The Jewish Law held it deeply. It was a command of God. In the Bible, the requirements of keeping the Law included obeying the commandments given by God, observing religious rituals and practices, and living a right...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 19
on January 24th, 2025
I hope none of you are discouraged. We all face challenges. Some are successful. Some are not. But no matter what, we all have a destiny and a purpose, and a God who is completely for us! If he didn’t care, he never would have sent his only begotten son to die in our place to secure the future of all those who would call upon him.Has God ever given you an amazing dream about yourself? Does it come...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 18
on January 23rd, 2025
I trust you’re doing well. The sacrifices Jesus made for us are so incredible. We could project our own thoughts on Christ’s divinity and think it was probably easier for him to do what he did because he is God. But stop for a moment to think that his thoughts, feelings, emotions and mind are so beyond ours. We can easily gloss over the immense sacrifices he made. The love that he had was perfect....  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 17
on January 22nd, 2025
After today, there’s only 4 days to go. Time does fly by! The best reason for fasting is probably this: because Jesus set the example for us and told us to do it. It’s a discipline that helps us to draw closer to God. We can get so preoccupied with our own stuff that we can miss out on the real important things in life. The main one being a personal intimate relationship with God. The Spirit of Go...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 16
on January 21st, 2025
I trust you’re doing well and are encouraged in the Lord. Today was an amazing day. I woke up to 5 inches of snow and had a job to do that needed my attention if I wanted to get out of my driveway. After completing that task I needed to take a break and it was just as the Inauguration of our 47th president of the United States was being broadcasted. Debbie and I watched it. I was blown away by the...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 15
on January 20th, 2025
Welcome to the beginning of the final week of our 21 day fast. It’s been a time of slowing down a bit. We’ve changed our normal routines to make room for hearing the voice of God! I think it’s quite fitting that we are doing this at the beginning of 2025 which is about to usher in the newly elected 47th president of the United States of America TODAY! Our country needs revival. It has lost its way...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 14
on January 19th, 2025
I hope after nearly completing 2 full weeks, you’re experiencing some sense of satisfaction. It’s given you more time to think, strategize, dream, pray, read, repent, spend more time communicating with your spouse, children, etc. You can also get a sense of satisfaction that you were able to do what you didn’t think you could. For others it may be that you gave up because you weren’t able to be co...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 13
on January 18th, 2025
We have so much to be thankful for, yet in the midst of so many good things there are those that are experiencing deep pain and sorrow in our own church, in our extended families and around the world! People are hurting and need hope. People need the Lord. The California WildFires have brought about so much devastation and destruction including the loss of lives, homes and no doubt, so much more. ...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 12
on January 17th, 2025
I think I’ve used the term “Family” more this year than any other. It came about in my meditating on the nature of God and seeing his love. God created us in his image because he wanted us to be just like him. Jesus is the full embodiment of the Godhead.  He became a man because of the love the Father had for mankind when they sinned. If Jesus didn’t die in our place we would be lost for eternity ...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 11
on January 16th, 2025
I trust that this fast is helping us to slow down by entering into a deeper contemplation on what is most important to us. The rapid pace of our society, our responsibilities, our desires, and our feelings of not having enough time to do what we need to do can bring stress and feelings of failure or even disillusionment. We can’t let that happen. Our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is real...  Read More
21 Day Fast Day 10
on January 15th, 2025
Here we are about to be nearly halfway through our fast. God bless you to make it all the way through. All we need to do sometimes is tell ourselves we can do it. Make faith declarations, “I’m going to make it through.” “I’m not going to quit!” “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” We declare God’s Word over ourselves and believe that he honors his word. When he says, “I will...  Read More