21 Day Fast Day 20
Today is the Sabbath to the Jewish community around the world. God instituted it as a day of rest because he rested on the 7th day. Rest is so important for us physically and mentally. The Jewish Law held it deeply. It was a command of God. In the Bible, the requirements of keeping the Law included obeying the commandments given by God, observing religious rituals and practices, and living a righteous and moral life. The Law was seen as a way for the Israelites to remain in a covenant relationship with God and to live according to His will. Breaking the Sabbath, which was one of the laws given in the Old Testament, had serious consequences. The Sabbath was considered a day of rest and worship, to be kept holy and set apart. Violating the Sabbath was seen as a desecration of God's commandments and a sign of disobedience. Consequences for breaking the Sabbath could include punishment or being cut off from the community, keeping the Law was seen as essential for the Israelites to maintain their relationship with God and to live in accordance with His teachings. Breaking the Law, including the Sabbath, could result in negative consequences and separation from God. The following New Testament passages reveal Jesus as our Sabbath Rest.
Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Hebrews 4:9-11 (NIV)
9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.
Colossians 2:16-17 (NIV)
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
We don’t live under a “rules and regulations religion.” We are in a relationship with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are his family. I had people come to me and want to know what was the least they could do and still go to Heaven. How self-centered is that?!!! That’s like someone in a marriage looking for the least amount of attention they can give their wife and still be able to stay married. Ridiculous! God has provided a way for us to be set free and enter a glorious realm of love and freedom.
Romans 8:1-4 (NIV)
1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man, 4 in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.
Sacrificing a few meals in order to hear from God and draw closer to him is a small price to pay. “Thank you, Jesus for the price you paid, the example you set, and the love you continue to give us. May we continue to draw closer and closer to you. We love you!”
Love and blessings in Christ,
Pastor Ray
Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Hebrews 4:9-11 (NIV)
9 There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; 10 for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. 11 Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.
Colossians 2:16-17 (NIV)
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
We don’t live under a “rules and regulations religion.” We are in a relationship with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We are his family. I had people come to me and want to know what was the least they could do and still go to Heaven. How self-centered is that?!!! That’s like someone in a marriage looking for the least amount of attention they can give their wife and still be able to stay married. Ridiculous! God has provided a way for us to be set free and enter a glorious realm of love and freedom.
Romans 8:1-4 (NIV)
1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in sinful man, 4 in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit.
Sacrificing a few meals in order to hear from God and draw closer to him is a small price to pay. “Thank you, Jesus for the price you paid, the example you set, and the love you continue to give us. May we continue to draw closer and closer to you. We love you!”
Love and blessings in Christ,
Pastor Ray
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